Fleecefield’s Local Governing Board
Fleeecefield’s Local Governing Board is part of the overall governance of the Children First Academy Trust. Fleeecefield’s LGB aims to monitor the objectives as set out in the School Improvement Plan and act as a critical friend to the Headteacher and school’s senior leadership team, providing challenge where necessary.
The Role of the Local Governing Board
The role of our Local Governing Board is an important one, and it is a committee of the Board of Trustees within the structure of governance. The aim is for each LGB within our Trust to work closely with the individual school at a local level whilst the Trust Board oversees all schools within the Trust.
Whilst the Trustees and CEO of the Trust have the overarching responsibility for ensuring high quality educational provision and for holding the leaders to account for outcomes, the LGB role is to support and constructively challenge school leaders when identifying school improvement priorities and when monitoring the impact of decisions taken.
Their role is also to link with the wider community beyond the Local Governing Board meetings, to meet staff, parents and children and assess the impact of the school both within and beyond the classroom. In this way, they triangulate what the Leadership are putting in place with what they see in school and with what the school community is saying.
The LGB also monitor risks, in particular with reference to safeguarding and health and safety, hear complaints as necessary and report concerns to the Trustees through the Area Governance Committee or the Chief Executive Officer. A named link Governor has responsibility for overseeing a specific area such as Pupil Premium, Safeguarding, SEND and Health and Safety.
Our LGB members are expected to:
Prepare for and make an active contribution at meetings of the LGB
Champion Fleecefield in the local community
Familiarise themselves with Fleecefield’s policies
Visit Fleecefield both during school hours and for evening events to get to know the school and be visible to the school’s community
Attend training sessions for Governors regularly
The team of Governors is made up of the following members:
The Chair
The Vice Chair
Staff Governor
Parent Governors
Trust appointed Governors
Meetings of the LGB are held once each term. Attendance at each meeting, issues discussed, recommendations for decisions and expected actions are all recorded by the clerk and the minutes signed by the Chair at the next meeting. In addition, there are two days each year when the LGB members visit the school for training and development purposes.
We work with the Headteacher and her leadership team, as they drive school improvement across all of these areas. The termly action plans and impact reports, along with our meetings and visits to the school, will help us to ensure we keep on track with these objectives.
We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents – please contact the Chair of the Local Governing Board, Mr Andy Matfield, via the school office or email.
Click here to link to the Children First Academy Trust website for further information on governance within the Trust.