Inclusion and SEND
At Fleecefield, we celebrate the uniqueness of every child and believe that diversity is our strength. Inclusion is not just a word for us; it's a way of life. We embrace, support, and respect each other, creating a warm and welcoming environment where every child feels valued, accepted, and empowered to learn and grow together.
We are committed to helping every child, including all children with SEND to reach their full potential, to aim high each to the best of their ability. We provide a broad, creative curriculum that values and reflects our community. We value links between home, school and the wider community and offer an inclusive, stimulating and caring environment for every child.
Our expectation is that children and young people with SEND will receive an education that enables them to make progress so that they:
- Achieve their best
- Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives
- Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training
We make sure that a pupil with SEND gets the support they need and this means doing everything we can to meet the pupil’s special educational needs.
For information about SEND support in Enfield, please check the Enfield Local Offer:
Specialist Provision - Rainbow Class
Rainbow Class is a unit provision for children with Autism and Complex Needs. It is situated in its own building and separate from the mainstream school. This allows a bespoke learning experience which is tailored to meet the different, specific needs of the children.
The learning space is divided into two classrooms which provides space to create different learning areas linked to the curriculum. We have an outside space to give opportunities for children to develop their gross motor skills and explore and engage in a variety of activities.
Who is it for?
The unit is for children with an EHCP who have a diagnosis of Autism.
To join Rainbow Class, parents have requested that specialist autism provision is considered for their child and Fleecefield Primary School needs to be named as their provision, through agreement with Enfield SEN services.
What Do We Offer?
A safe and stimulating environment
Specialist Staff (Senco, teachers and support staff) who are committed to improving outcomes for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
Staff who are trained in teaching and supporting children with complex needs and autism
Additional support from external agencies including;
Educational Psychology Service
Speech and Language Therapy
Occupational Therapy
A curriculum that meets the needs of each individual child
Our Curriculum
We aim to give our children the skills and strategies they need to be as independent as possible so that they can begin to prepare for adulthood.
The curriculum and assessment framework is designed around children’s needs so that they receive the teaching that they need. We create quality learning opportunities to broaden and challenge children’s knowledge and life skills. This ensures that the children have the opportunity to engage in learning throughout the school day.
We use a Non-Subject Specific (NSS) Curriculum to plan for and support the children's learning.
To see our NSS Curriculum please click here.
Children's progress is assessed against their EHCP termly outcomes in line with the DFE Engagement model.
Specialist Strategies
A structured teaching approach which works to the strength of the child with Autism. It is not a single method and can be used alongside other approaches.
- Attention Autism
An approach to support young people with autism. It was designed by Gina Davies, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist. It aims to develop natural and spontaneous communication through the use of visually based and highly motivating activities.
- Intensive Interaction
A play-based approach to support children to develop early communication skills that typically develop from birth through daily interactions with children. These skills are the foundations of language and communication.
Nurture Group - Diamond Class
At Fleecefield Primary School we have a Nurture Group called Diamond Class.
The Nurture Group is staffed by a Key Worker and a Teaching Assistant. They work together to provide the children with a stable and nurturing environment.
What is a Nurture Group?
A Nurture Group is a small support group for children who are experiencing difficulties in their mainstream class. There may be many reasons why young children experience difficulties. It may be a result of going through some form of trauma, living with a disability and at times everyday events such as losing a loved one, being separated from a close member of the family or the birth of a new baby can unsettle a child. In other cases children may take longer to learn, or to talk or to develop other physical skills and this can have an impact on their ability to cope in a large class.
The Nurture Group staff are also given advice, guidance and support by the school’s Educational Psychologist and other external agencies. The Nurture Group at Fleecefield is monitored annually by the Local Authority.
How does it work?
In the Nurture Group adults and children work closely together. It is a homely setting with clear routines and boundaries. It is a place where mistakes and accidents are discussed sensitively, and where children gain confidence and learn about themselves and their world at a pace and in a manner which suits them. Most children are keen to come to Rainbow Class and really benefit from this provision.
At Fleecefield most of the children who come to the Nurture Group are in Year One and Two and occasionally we may work with children in Reception. The children we work with depends on the needs of the children. There is a maximum of eight children in the group and most will be supported by us for three or four terms. It is important that the children continue to be part of their mainstream class, even though they will spend a considerable amount in the Nurture Group during the week. We work alongside their mainstream class and follow the same curriculum, although this is often adapted to meet the needs of the child. We work hard to ensure that the child is included so that they are able to settle easily when they are ready to return to their mainstream class full-time.
Working with us
We believe that parent involvement is key to supporting us to enable your child to reach their potential. We like to meet with parents regularly as you know your child best. You help us to understand your child and then we can work with them more effectively. We are always available to discuss your child’s achievements and challenges. Parents often find it useful to meet with us informally before school or when school finishes. If there is a reason that we cannot meet we will make an appointment to see you as soon as we can.
You can find more information by clicking here
Click below to view our Inclusion Policy, SEND Information Report and the Referral Process for SEND Pupils.