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Proud to be a part of
Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.


At Fleecefield we believe that wearing school uniform promotes the ethos of the school and provides a sense of belonging and identity for the children.

Our school uniform is readily available from most supermarkets and clothing outlets.
Fleecefield branded items can be ordered online from My Clothing Limited :

It can also be purchased from: Divine Solutions, 3 Northumberland Park Road,London N17 0TA UNIFORM LIST

Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore, elasticated jogging / tracksuit bottoms White shirt, blouse or polo shirt
Purple sweatshirt, fleece, reversible jacket or cardigan Suitable black footwear
Grey shorts (optional for the summer)
Purple gingham dress (optional for the summer)


All children take part in regular PE lessons (Reception to Year 6) and it is vital that children always have a kit available at school. A named PE bag is suitable for this purpose (pull string bag – not rucksacks).

You can purchase PE bags from the school oice. We request that children come into school wearing their PE kits on the days they have PE.

  • Black plimsolls/trainers
  • Navy / black shorts / tracksuits or leggings
  • White T-shirt
  • Spare socks / spare underwear for Reception


One piece swimming costume / swimming trunks (not knee length) Towel / swimming cap


No jewellery is to be worn for school except for children with pierced ears who should wear studs. As advised by Health & Safety guidelines all jewellery should be removed for PE lessons to ensure the safety of all those participating.

Children may wear a watch for school but must be responsible for it.

The school cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to any watches or item of jewellery as children are expected to take responsibility for any personal property brought to school. Book bags can be bought from the school office.

Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled with the child’s name.